The Meeting Point runs both short-term and long-term groups for members of our community.
Check out our current list of active groups below!
Current Groups
Have you ever been curious about ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP)? Are you interested in experiencing KAP in a healing community setting with other queer/trans adults?
This group is for adults 18+ who identify as LGBTQIA+ and would like to explore KAP in a safe, affirming setting. The group will meet virtually for preparation and integration sessions, and will experience two medicine dosing sessions in person.
The group is facilitated by three queer/trans/non-binary therapists: Alex Gerrish, LICSW, Clare McBee, LICSW and Kirbie MacEwen, LICSW
For more information, and to fill out an interest form, please click the Learn More button. Please fill out the interest form by March 27 to be eligible for this current group series.
Monday Body Image Group
Our goal is to curate a safe space for individuals in all bodies and from all backgrounds and come together to heal their relationship with food and their bodies - through safe spaces, conversation, and connection.
This group is all about you - which means that the topics we discuss will be rooted in what you are currently interested in or struggling with, alongside others who are likely experiencing similar things.
This group is led by two licensed professionals, Emma D’Arpino RD LDN (a registered dietitian) and Molly Robson LCSW (a therapist) and comes together weekly on Mondays at 12pm EST via Zoom.
***PleaseNote: Requirements for this group include currently residing in Massachusetts and seeing at least one licensed professional outside of this group***
If you have any questions or would like to join, please contact Molly at
Power Word Queer: A Dungeons & Dragons In Person Therapy Group
When: Fridays 10am-2pm
Duration: July 2024- March 2025
Who: Ages 21+
Pay What You Can, $25 Minimum
Seeking brave, queer individuals to join an adventuring party!
Together, we will play a high fantasy Dungeons & Dragons campaign, as a medium through which to explore identity, interpersonal relationships, and self-determination, while simultaneously working towards each adventurer’s therapeutic goals.
Character-building and role play can be powerful tools which allow us to try out identities without judgment, and to experience and process scenarios which might otherwise be risky or down right impossible.
Self-reflect! Level up your social skills! Become the queer hero you deserve!
All experience levels are welcome.
For more information and to sign up, please email
These are some groups that have run in the past.
Please keep checking back here to see about future groups at TMP.
All-Gender Process and Support Group
Finding your place and the gender spectrum can be complex, confusing, joyful, overwhelming and spectacular. Building your Self and Home on your spot on the spectrum can offer a kind of deepening of self that is like nothing else. Whether you are questioning, building or remodeling your relationship to gender all are welcome here. Group meets every other Monday from 6:30-8 PM.
Open Relationship Group
This support group is for individuals and couples interested in exploring the pros and cons of consensual non-monogamy, and whether an open relationship is right for them. It is open to people of any sexual orientation or gender identity as long as they are 18 years of age or older.
There are a few other topics that could become regular groups.
If you are interested in participating in one of the below groups, please reach out to learn more information or discover whether you would be a good fit.
Support group for queer parents who struggle with postpartum depression.
Support group and psychotherapy group for adult children of parents with mental illness
Coming Out Support Group for LGBT Adults
Queer, Woman-Identified Parents of Male-Identified Children